Healthy Eating
Hydration Station: The Importance of Proper Water Hydration

Have you ever forgotten to water your plants? You can visually see that the leaves have drooped and are dried out, that's what happens to our bodies when we forget to supply ourselves with enough water. Water is one of the six major nutrients that we need to survive. Our body is composed of 55-75% water, without proper hydration, over time our body wilts, in a more dramatic way than plants.

Water's Role in Body Function

Every body system relies on water to function properly. The main roles of water in proper body function are:
  • Cushioning & protecting joints & organs from shock and injury
  • Moves nutrients, oxygen, and medications through the body
  • Removes waste
  • Reduces constipation
  • Helps control body temperature
  • Keeps skin moist, clear, and healthy
  • Helps maintain muscle tone
  • Beneficial for weight loss

How Much Water Do We Need?

You must replace the fluids your body loses each day during normal activities like breathing, sweating, and urinating. Most experts recommend drinking at least eight cups (64 oz.) of fluid each day. Solid foods provide some of these fluids but most come from beverages. Your fluid intake should increase in hot temperatures, strenuous exercise, or if you are ill.

Tips to Increasing Water Consumption
  • At work keep a large water bottle on your desk
  • At home keep a pitcher of water in your refrigerator
  • Carry a water bottle with you when you leave the house
  • Make plain water more palatable by adding a slice of fresh lemon or lime
  • Try flavored bottled water instead of plain bottled water
  • Try sparkling water by itself, or with a twist of fresh lime, a tablespoon of thawed, frozen orange juice concentrate or mixed half and half with juice
  • Schedule fluid breaks, such as, having at least 8 oz. of water every two hours
  • Drink a cup of hot or iced decaffeinated coffee, tea, or soda, instead of caffeinated beverages
  • For every caffeinated beverage you drink, drink a glass of water
  • Sip a glass of water while reading the paper
  • Have a mug of warm milk at bedtime
  • Have a cup of soup or bouillon before lunch or dinner
  • Drink a glass of water before meals and snacks
  • Order water at restaurants
Water's Role in Weight Loss
  • Water contains no calories, fat, or cholesterol and is low in sodium
  • It is a natural appetite suppressant
  • It regulates all bodily functions including the activities of circulation and breakdown of food for energy
  • Our bodies proteins and enzymes are more efficient when diluted, thus helping weight loss and fitness
  • Studies have proven that a low consumption of water allows more fat to be deposited instead of being metabolized into energy. Thus, the higher consumption of water, the lower amount of fat deposited
Nicole Hinkley, BS
Wellness Center Specialist