Eating on the Run!!
Today's Americans are on the run! From the moment your feet hit the floor in the morning until you go to sleep, are you constantly thinking of what's next?

You're thinking of getting the kids ready for school or to daycare, packing them nutritious lunches and snacks, as well as making sure they have a healthy breakfast. What about you? You're driving to work and you have forgotten to eat yourself, so you pull up to the local coffee shop and order a large coffee and a donut; that should do it. It's about 10 am, your stomach is growling, but you are so involved in the work you are doing you grab a handful of M&M's you have in a bowl at your desk, "for your co-workers to enjoy." At noon, you go for your lunch break and you have a bunch of errands to run, so you grab a hamburger, fries, and a coke at the fast-food restaurant on your way back to work. Grogginess hits you about 2 o'clock, and you grab another handful of those M&M's. By 4:30, you're leaving work on your way to pick up the kids from daycare, when one of them informs you that they have a play tonight. Of course, you have been so busy you forgot. You call in a pizza on your way home and pick it up. You're thinking this will be quick and easy, and you will be able to sit down and eat with your family. Wrong, you need to get the kids fed, one has to be at the school at 6:15, even though the play doesn't start until 7pm. So you just have enough time to get yourself ready, stuff a slice a pizza in your mouth as you run out the door. Before you know it your evening is over, you're lying in bed thinking of tomorrow's events. Sound familiar?
For many Americans this type of situation occurs regularly. We are a society that eats on the run. We have a tendency to not think about what we are putting into our bodies for energy and nutrients. Here are some great food tips that may help you choose better foods when eating on the run. Remember to think of what you need to stay healthy, and live longer.


  Try milk or low-fat shakes for an extra calcium boost.
  For the fastest breakfast of all, go with dry cereal and milk. Make the cereal whole grain or bran and you'll get fiber along with B vitamins and complex carbohydrates.
  Look for yogurt and fruit for a quick, on-the-run breakfast to start your day.
  Instead of a doughnut, order an English muffin, bagel or a plain, soft-baked pretzel.   Lightly spread the cream cheese or margarine-or just jam or jelly.


  Boost the nutrients in all kinds of sandwiches by adding tomato, peppers, and other vegetables.
  A baked potato offers more fiber and fewer calories than fries, just go easy on the sour cream and butter. Top your potato with broccoli, a small amount of cheese or salsa.
  Restaurant portions too large? Take home half the main course for another meal.
  For a lighter meal, order an appetizer for your entre.
  At the salad bar, pile on the dark leafy greens, carrots, peppers and other fresh vegetables. Lighten up on mayonnaise-based salads and high fat toppings.
  Tuck portable, nonperishable foods in your purse, briefcase or backpack for on-the-go snacking. For example, crackers and peanut butter, small boxes of cereal, dried fruit, pretzels, or plain popcorn.


  Try a smoothie made with juice, fruit and yogurt for a light lunch or snack.
  For a dessert, choose fresh fruit or a container of fruit chunks if available.
  Load up your pizza with vegetable toppings. If you add meat, make it lean ham, Canadian bacon, chicken or shrimp.
Fresh fruit is already packaged to go. Try a variety of seasonal fruits.

 Written By: Nicole Hinkley